
Month: March 2020

Do my adult children need Healthcare Proxies and Durable Powers of Attorney?

Answer: Yes!!! These two estate planning documents are essential for younger people, too. Without them, in Massachusetts, as well as in most states, once a child turns 18, parents are no longer given access to their children’s financial, health and school records, without the consent of their now adult child. Health Care Proxy: A Health Care Proxy appoints …

Do my adult children need Healthcare Proxies and Durable Powers of Attorney? Read More »

What’s the most overlooked area of estate planning?

Answer: There are actually three areas. 1. Estate Taxes: One of the most overlooked areas is Estate Taxes. Many people believe that because their estate does not warrant a federal estate tax, that they don’t have any estate tax worries. That may not be true as the Massachusetts threshold is significantly less. If your estate is …

What’s the most overlooked area of estate planning? Read More »

Do I need a trust?

Answer: “It depends.” Whether or not to utilize a trust as part of an Estate Plan, depends on a particular client’s goals and concerns, on that client’s assets and net worth, estate taxes, and other concerns that a particular client may have such as a desire for privacy or the existence of a special needs beneficiary.

What impact will the inheritance I leave will have on my family?

Answer: Even if you have a modest estate, you should have an Estate Plan. A proper Estate Plan will include indispensable documents such as a durable power of attorney and a health care proxy. These documents alone will save you and your family significant time, frustration and cost in the event of an incapacity. Simply because without them, …

What impact will the inheritance I leave will have on my family? Read More »